私は Marc by Marc Jacobs というブランドが大好きなんですが、少々お高いためセールを狙って集めています。最近嬉しかったのがコンビニで春夏コレクションの本が売っていたんです。
どこかのファッション誌とのコラボかと思ったら純粋に Marc by Marc Jacobs の本でビックリ。中身を見ずに買ったのでかなり驚きました。
だって表紙が Marc っぽいんだもの。即買です。
ちなみに Marc Jacobs はご想像通りデザイナーの名前で、ルイ・ヴィトンのクリエイティブディレクターとしても有名な人。可憐さ、上品さ、カジュアルさ、のバランスが絶妙なんです!
Marc Jcobs Book
I love 'Marc Jcobs'. But Marc's clothes are expensive. I usually buy it on sale season. I was happy to find the Marc Jacobs book in the convenient store. This book is many photos of spring & summer collection. I thought it collaboration with some fashion magazine. But it produced by Marc Jacobs only. I surprised. Because I don't look content, but I bought it.
'Why did you not look inside ?'
Because the book cover looks 'Marc' !
Supplements are a bag and a sticker. The bag look like strong bag. (But it smell nylons...)
Immediately I affixed the sticker on my electronic dictionary. It's cute.
It's has a lot of collection photos. I hope to buy the book of autumn & winter collection.
Incidentally Marc Jacobs is a famous designer. And he act a creative designer of Louis Vuitton too. He has special sensibility.