1. スリッパ(床が石の場合もある)
2. リンス・シャンプー(ボディにも使えるものが1種類しかない場合も)
3. どこかで調達したペットボトルの水(ホテルは高いから)
in the Barcelona Hotel
I arrived at Barcelona airport at 0 am. Outside is dark. I went to the hotel by bus. I arrived at the hotel at 1:30 am. I had a shower and 'Good night'.
Today's hotel is 'Antemare' in the suburbs of Barcelona. My room is small, but other rooms are more big ? Usually bathroom is big in Spain. I stayed at the four-star hotel by this trip.
I recommend the following for Spain trip.
1. Slippers (sometimes the room is stone floor)
2. shampoo and rinse (only body soap)
3. water of bottle (expensive in the hotel)
Every rooms have a dryer.
Next day, I woke up early time. I walked around the hotel. Sunrise is early and refreshing.
The beach is near the hotel. I think that this area is a high-level resort. Because this area has a lot of big houses with big gardens.
Smart was front of the hotel. I saw a lot of Smart in Spain. I have Smart. The parking area is on the road in Spain. You have to drive the parallel park, if you drive in Spain.
Breakfast is buffet style. This hotel's breakfast, customers can cut hum, sausage and salami.
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